While Spring ordinarily brings out the desire to be, you know, outside, FarmVille players will have much more motivation to keep up that sunless, pale sheen this month because of another Zynga advancement. Reclaim a Zynga Game Card in FarmVille from now through April 24 and you'll additionally get a free Spring Mystery Box in your Gift Box. You'll likewise get a free Mystery Game Dart, however what's inside the container is clearly significantly more essential.
Every Spring Mystery Box has the shot of holding one of these three things inside: Lope Rabbit, Picnic Table and Garden Bar. While the two beautifications are clearly charming, we question anybody could oppose that bunny. See, on the off chance that you needed to pick between a wooden table and a hippity hoppity bunny rabbit, which would you pick? We suspected as much.
Have you reclaimed a Game Card to get one of these three things yet? We presumably shouldn't trouble even with the Lope Rabbit, however which prize might you want to have more? Sound off in the remarks